Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fastest Growing Plant on Earth

Did you know that bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth?  It's been recorded to grow over 48 inches in a 24 hour period.  That fast!  Bamboo is very tough and it has been around for a long time and will probably continue to be around until Jesus comes!  I want to relate these facts about bamboo to something that all of us on some level have dealt with in our lives.  That's gossip!

Just like the bamboo plant, gossip can spread fast between people.  Proverbs 16:28 tells us that "A troublemaker plants seeds of strife, gossip separates the best of friends."  According to these verses, gossip can come between best friends - the people you rely on most to keep your deep, intimate secrets.  Proverbs goes on to say that "Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops" (26:20). 

Let's be careful not cause division among our friendships and relationships over something like gossip.  Once you've gossiped about someone, you have destroyed the trust that was between you.  The enemy loves it when we give in to the small temptations, because they usually cause some of the greatest harm.

Community Church Devotional for August 31st

"Keep your [life] free from the love of money." Heb. 13:5 NIV

A lot of us think that the goal of work is to accumulate enough money so that we can quit working.  No, if your work is not fulfilling, eventually you'll resent it.  That's so, whether you make much or little.  Money alone is not worth giving your life to.

John Ortberg writes: "I have a friend.  He's a businessman.  He is in his seventies now.  Years ago I attended his church when he gave a terrific message.  We talked afterwards and he said to me, 'You know, when I was a young man I always felt that I ought to go into pastoral ministry.'  I asked him, 'Why didn't you?'  Well, when it came right down to it, it was just money.  He was doing well in the business world so he didn't follow what he sensed was God's calling on his life.  Now he was financially secure - but he was running out of time.  It's only money!  We get all twisted up in knots over it, stay awake at night thinking about it, stew, get anxious, scheme, trade away our integrity to get a little more of it. . .and we worry that someone else might get hold of it.  It's only money!  It's never a reason not to follow Christ.  It's never a reason not to do the thing that He has call you to do."

Billy Graham hit the bull's-eye when he said, "If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area of his life."  It's okay to make money, and enjoy money, but "Keep your [life] free from the love of money."

-taken from Daily Devotional, The Word for You Today

Monday, August 30, 2010

How do you experience true life?

I was just reading through 1 Timothy and discovered something great.  I have read this scripture many times and it has hit me a little different tonight after Brittney and I talked about tithing not only our money, but our time as well.

You can listen to anyone as they talk about their life goals and dreams.  It all can be summed up to: everyone wants to live a happy life with plenty of money to supply their needs so that they can provide for their families.  It may not be true for everyone, but I'm sure for many.  And then comes the pursuit of happiness!  How do we experience this life where we don't have to worry about our needs or how we will financially support those needs?  Now we can look to Scripture. 

"Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable."  Wait.  If we can't rely on money then how can we have a secured future?  Keep reading.  "Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us ALL we need for our enjoyment.  Tell them to use their money to do good.  They should be rich in GOOD WORKS and GENEROUS to those in need, always being ready to SHARE with others.  By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience TRUE LIFE."  (1 Tim. 6:17-19)

Okay, so in order for me as a follower of Christ to experience blessings here on earth, I must not trust in money or earthly possessions to get me through.  I can't tell you the amount of people I have seen in my life who have been driven by the pursuit of money in order to gain happiness.  It looks many different ways.  But the bottom line is this - STOP WORRYING!  If you trust in the God who gave you your life on purpose, then it would make sense that God would also supply what you need to live - as any loving father would do!  Money can so easily take hold of our lives and begin to control our decisions.  Luke tells us that you can't serve God and serve money.  And verse 10 of 1 Timothy 6 says that the "love of money is the root of all evil". 

Here's what I've come away with:  to live life to the fullest, I must be generous in what God has graciously given to me.  I must be willing to give as God leads and trust that He will supply ALL, not some, of my needs!  Thank you Lord for being faithful and true.

Coming Up at Velocity Jr. High

Starting this week, I will be starting a new series for the junior high.  It focuses on developing healthy friendships.  It's name - The Table.  The "table" is our inner circle of close people.  The first week I will be raising the question "who is at your table?".  Sometimes in our lives we allow the "cool factor" to overcome what we stand for.  We take on the PERSONALITY over the PRINCIPLES on which we stand as believers. 

Jesus dealt with this issue among his table.  Matthew 26:20-25.  Judas is at the table (inner circle), but has PRINCIPLE PROBLEMS.  He betrayed his friend for money and he was confronted by Jesus over the issue.  Jesus didn't overlook that someone at His table was dealing with issues.  The most important thing to know about friendships is that our friends DETERMINE the DIRECTION and QUALITY of our lives!  We can't just let someone at our table because they are "cool".  Once that decision is made, you may have compromised your values and PRINCIPLES! 

Week One: Who's At Your Table - Principle Over Personality
Week Two: What Do You Bring To The Table? - Principle Of Exchange
Week Three: How Stable Is Your Table? - Make Sure Your Table Is Stable
Week Four: What If I'm At The Wrong Table? - Untie Yourself One "(K)Not Gonna. . ." At A Time

Stay tuned. . .

Monday, August 23, 2010

Community Church Orange Declarations

These are the first few declarations that Pastor Daniel talked about last night - I thought I would share them with you here:

1. My prayers are powerful and effective.  2 Cor. 5:21
2. God richly supplies all my financial needs.  Phil. 4:19
3. I am dead to sin and alive to obeying God.  Ro. 6:11
4. I walk in ever increasing health.  Isa. 53:3-5
5. I consistently bring God's goodness to others.  Mark 16:17-18; 19
6. Wherever I go I am expanding God's kingdom.  Matt. 16:18-19

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Tonight for youth, we are starting a two week series entitled "Hijacked".  We are going to present to the students how our lives, if we are not careful, can be taken over without us even knowing!  I wanted to give you a little insight on my sermon tonight.

The thing about our lives becoming hijacked is that no one plans for it to happen.  No one says "I want to be a (drug addict, homeless, etc.) when I grow up!"  But, if you look around, you can see people who lives are messed up and are entangled with sin.  So how do we become "hijacked"?  We position ourselves.  Every decision we make will determine the direction of our lives.  Sometimes we make decisions that allow the enemy to set up camp and before long, we find that he is winning battles.  Proverbs 4:23 says "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."  It's what I talked about in the 'Heart Examination' blog - what we allow to store up in our hearts will come out in our lives.

Sampson never intended on becoming subject to abuse and torture over a girl.  But, because he allowed temptation to 'hijack' his life, we sacrificed the ability God blessed him with.  Which led to his capture, blindness, and ultimately his death.

What happens when we become hijacked?  Someone else is in control.  The enemy takes over and influences you to make decisions that bring you further away from God.  That's why Peter said "I am warning you ahead of time, dear friends.  Be on guard so that you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing.  Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (2 Peter 3:17-18)

Next week I will follow up on the idea of "Hijacked" and talk about how we can prevent it from happening.

If the Lord should remind you, pray for the students who are apart of Drive Student Ministries and the staff and volunteers.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heart Examination: Anger

In the past, I've let my anger control my actions.  Not a good idea!  I've had a tendency to say things or do things that does not produce good things for my life.  I guess that goes along with the theory "every action has an opposite or equal reaction".  I see it all the time.  I believe that when we let anger build up in our hearts, we give them enemy a win.  Does anger produce happiness?  When we deposit angry thoughts or desires in our hearts, it will come out in our actions and attitudes.  "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life" (Proverbs 4:23, NLT). 

It's very important that we constantly protect our hearts from the traps set by the enemy.  ". . .for anger gives a foothold to the devil" (Ephesians 4:27).  "Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool" (Eccl. 7:9).  "Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires" (James 1:20)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Imitate Me?

That's a pretty bold statement!  Imitate me!  Last night I spoke with the Junior High students about taking hold of every opportunity to live as an example to others so that those people might see Christ.  Most of the students (after raising their hands) said that they are living as an influencer, but that they are not influencing for Christ.  I think about the scripture when Paul says "So I urge you to imitate me" (1 Cor. 4:16).  How many of us live so that when others follow our actions and model our attitudes, it makes them more Christ-like?

I've heard my whole life: "You can't do ______ because you are too young!"  That used to frustrate me so much!  Paul, when he was mentoring Timothy, told him "don't let anyone think less of you because you are young.  Be an EXAMPLE to ALL believers in what you SAY, in the way you LIVE, in your LOVE, your FAITH, and your PURITY. . .focus on reading the SCRIPTURES to the church, ENCOURAGING the believers, and TEACHING them" (1 Tim. 4:12-13).  I know how difficult it is to be a Christian in our schools today.  But if we truly want to impact our friends and families, we have to live passionately for Christ.  Every aspect of our lives, every fiber of our being needs to be center around the One who brings everlasting life!  We can focus on our age or abilities, because we are destined for disappointment!  But, if we focus on what we can accomplish through Christ, we are bound for heavenly success!  Then we should be able to turn to others and say "Imitate me as I imitate Christ."

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hello August

WOW! July has come and gone and I am another year older!  Some things that I've learned:

1. Time NEVER stops
2. You always have to DEAL with disappointment
3. LOVE never fails
4. God's love is UNENDING

School's almost here - Back to School Bash 2010 is August 25th.  See ya there!