That's a pretty bold statement! Imitate me! Last night I spoke with the Junior High students about taking hold of every opportunity to live as an example to others so that those people might see Christ. Most of the students (after raising their hands) said that they are living as an influencer, but that they are not influencing for Christ. I think about the scripture when Paul says "So I urge you to imitate me" (1 Cor. 4:16). How many of us live so that when others follow our actions and model our attitudes, it makes them more Christ-like?
I've heard my whole life: "You can't do ______ because you are too young!" That used to frustrate me so much! Paul, when he was mentoring Timothy, told him "don't let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an EXAMPLE to ALL believers in what you SAY, in the way you LIVE, in your LOVE, your FAITH, and your PURITY. . .focus on reading the SCRIPTURES to the church, ENCOURAGING the believers, and TEACHING them" (1 Tim. 4:12-13). I know how difficult it is to be a Christian in our schools today. But if we truly want to impact our friends and families, we have to live passionately for Christ. Every aspect of our lives, every fiber of our being needs to be center around the One who brings everlasting life! We can focus on our age or abilities, because we are destined for disappointment! But, if we focus on what we can accomplish through Christ, we are bound for heavenly success! Then we should be able to turn to others and say "Imitate me as I imitate Christ."
thats really good! great job pastor matt ;)